
This cartoon picture was given to me by the Québec Régional Office employees 25 years ago. The older I get, the more I look like it.

12 octobre 2010

Prius MPV Teased as Original Prepares to Celebrate 10th Anniversary

As the original Prius prepares to celebrate its 10th birthday, Toyota is planning to finally expand the hybrid lineup, adding an MPV model. While not common in North America, MPVs are a hit in other parts of the world where our minivans are seen as gargantuan.

A single photo showing the Prius MPV peaking out behind the current model was released on the official Prius Facebook page and by the looks of it, the MPV model won’t be a whole lot bigger. The slight size increase all around should lead to more interior room and the Prius MPV will likely get three rows of seats – similar to the Mazda5. In many ways, the MPV model looks a lot like the new Auris Hybrid unveiled at the Paris Auto Show.

We don’t expect any upgrades to the powertrain, as Toyota is likely to debut any big upgrades on the flagship model.

[Source: Prius Facebook Page]